About Us


EÜAŞ, considering the public interest, within the framework of profitability and efficiency principles; is a public institution established for the purpose of producing and selling electrical energy that is safe, continuous, quality, efficient, low-cost, environmentally friendly.

Our Mission

To produce the electrical energy needed for the growth and development of our country in a reliable, economic, quality, environmentally friendly and profitable way by using the resources of the country efficiently.

Our Vision

To be a company that maintains its leadership in the electricity generation sector and continuously increases its production performance with the use of modern and clean energy technologies.

Our Core Values


 Accountability Reliability

Availability in Production

Openness to Innovation and Continuous

Environmental Awareness


Energy need of countries is shaped depending on many socio-economic factors such as population, social and economic factors such as population, social and economic development level, industrialization, urbanization and technological development. It is of great importance to supply electrical energy, which is one of the most important inputs of socio-economic development, on time, in good quality and and in sufficient quantity, taking account of the economic conditions and environmental effects. 

Due to the limited resources used in electrical energy generation, the use of these resources will determine the world of future generations, and it is certain that their unlimited and irresponsible use will have a negative impact on the future. Therefore, we have an obligation to create an energy policy based on domestic resources that take account of both the present and the future of our country and make choices accordingly. In this sense, our company EGC, which is responsible fort he electricity generation in public power plants, continues its activities with this sense of duty and shows maximum effort for the utilization of domestic resources. 

In our country, as in all developed countries, transition to free market and competition environment in the energy sector was envisaged and a restructuring process was initiated with a series of legislation enacted within this framework. With the creation of a competition environment in the liberalized market, electricity will be produced with higher quality, more reliable, more adequate and more economical, and environmental effects will be taken into account as much as possible. 


Like the restructured electricity market, our company has entered into a restructuring process to adapt to this market. Within this period, our information technologies and communication infrastructure, electricity generation plants and human resources are in a significant change. All our effort is intented for providing higher quality and cheaper electricity in order to increase social welfare in our country.

This page updated at 29 Mart 2022 06:47

Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi

Contact Us

Central Building:
Mustafa Kemal District
Dumlupınar Avenue 7. Km No: 166
Postal Code: 06510
Tel. Operator: +90 (312) 295 50 00

Fax Number: + 90 (312) 213 01 03
REM: euas@hs01.kep.tr

Tax Office:
Ankara Kurumlar Vergi Dairesi Müdürlüğü
Tax Number: 331 0236 046

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