Kapulukaya Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant was built on the Kızılırmak river, at a distance of 15 km from Kırıkkale province. It has a total installed power of 54 MW with its 3 generators, each of which is 18 MW, and its annual generation capacity is estimated as 190 million kWh.
A tender was made for the Project located in the Kızılırmak Basin on 14.09.1979. The construction of the dam was started on 05.11.1979 and on 07.08.1981 a contract was signed with a Romanian company for the purchase of mechanical and electrical equipment and it was put into service in 1989 with 3 units. The body volume of the dam, which was built in clay core rockfill type, is 1.488 hm³, crest height is 61 m, and crest length is 301 m. The lake volume at the maximum water level is 286 hm³, and the lake area is 20.7 km². It also undertakes the tasks of supplying industrial water to the Tüpraş Refinery, drinking water in Kırıkkale province and irrigation of agricultural lands in Hasandede town.