Bozcaada Wind Power Plant
Bozcaada WPP is within the borders of Bozcaada district of Çanakkale province.
Bozcaada is located at 39° 50 N and 26° 04 E coordinates, 6 km west of the Biga peninsula and has a triangular shape. The island is generally covered with plains and vineyards with scrub vegetation. Göztepe, the highest point, is 192 m. The power plant area belongs to the treasury. The power plant site is located in the Güzelkız-Batıfeneri locality on the Konyalı Rocks to the west of Bozcaada. The average height of the power plant site above sea level is 20 m. The land is in the 3rd degree earthquake zone.
Bozcaada WPP (17x600 kW) = 10,200 MW in total installed power and annual production capacity is 29,88 GWh.
The power plant was transferred to EÜAŞ on the night connecting July 24 to July 25.