Our General Manager Zafer BENLİ’s Message to Our Colleagues

28 Temmuz 2023

My dear colleagues,

I’ve been appointed to the General Directorate of EÜAŞ with the approval of our Honorable Minister Alparslan Bayraktar.

I am glad to be working with you again in our Institution, where I was a member of the board of directors for 6 years.

We are performing a public duty and the service we provide must continue as focused on citizen satisfaction and uninterrupted under all conditions.

Our reason for existence is to make the Turkish State strong and to contribute to the welfare of Turkish Nation.

The resources we use are the resources of the 85 million Great Turkish Nation. We must protect and increase every penny of it.

Our employees working at all levels are valuable to us and are our most important stakeholder, whom we expect to contribute to our Institution to the utmost. We will find the most accurate way together to mobilize, talk, discuss common sense and consultation together.

I actively use the page “Write Your Comments and Suggestions to the General Manager” on our website. I look forward to your opinions and suggestions by contacting me via our website or in any way.

Starting from the understanding that let the people live so that the state lives and the fact that nothing is more important than human health, occupational health and safety will be among the issues we attach special importance to. I ask you all to pay the utmost attention to occupational health and safety rules.

Joining hands in this process, we will both do the daily chores of our Institution and solve current or possible problems, as well as plan the future and try to reach our goals.

Based on the motto “Who loves her/his country the most, does her/his job best.”, our ultimate goal is to serve our, our ultimate goal is to serve our Country and Nation, the only hope of the oppressed on Earth.

I believe wholeheartedly that we will succeed, not alone, but together. 

On the occasion of the holy month of Muharram we are in, for the sake of Karbala and Hussein, I pray to my Lord that the evils will be eliminated, good deeds will be conquered, and our fasts will be accepted, and I send my love and pay respect to all of you.


General Manager and Chairman of the Board


Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi

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