EÜAŞ Policy of Integrated Management System

As a pioneer organization in the energy sector;

To act with a traceable, measurable and target-reaching understanding in order to increase and continuously improve the performance of ISO 9001 Quality, 14001 Environment and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and the efficiency og our processes,

To provide sustainable, uninterrupted, quality energy by following the changing and developing new technologies with our qualified workforce,

To encourage our employees to support all processes with new ideas in order to develop creative and innovative approaches, to create an environment that will increase their professional and behavioral competencies, and to organize trainings,

To ensure compliance with these conditions by following national and international legal conditions, standards and technological innovations,

To ensure the most efficient use of our natural resources and to protect the environment, the awareness that environment is borrowed from future generations,

To ensure the implementation of sustainable waste management in line with the life-cycle perspective, minimizing waste generation by reducing pollution at its source, and its recycling,

To adopt an understanding that reduces risks and hazards by identifying all kinds of risks and opportunities that may arise from our activities,

To take measures to minimize the damages in case of accident or emergency that may occur during our activities by acting with the principle of zero work accident and zero occupational disease,

is our commitment.

        Zafer BENLİ
 Chairman of the Board
     General Manager 

This page updated at 2 Ağustos 2023 08:41

Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi

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